Sexual Violence Against Teens

Sexual Violence Among Teens

Sexual Violence includes any unwanted sexual contact whether it comes in the form or words, actions, or behaviors. Sexual Violence against teens also encompasses sexual activity with individuals who cannot consent to any sexual activity, or with sexual activity of persons of a specific age range, or sexual activity with a person who holds a position of power over the individual (like a teacher, counselor, coach, etc.)

Sexual Violence Against Teens – Some Statistics

Some Forms of Sexual Violence That Happen Against Teens

  • Rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Sex trafficking
  • Abuse by a family member
  • Grooming
  • Incest
  • Date and acquaintance rape
  • Grabbing or groping without consent
  • Sexting without consent
  • Sexual harassment
  • Bullying based on sexual preferences or sexual orientation
  • Unwanted Exposure and voyeurism
  • Street Harassment
  • Making unwanted sexual comments
  • Offers of favors in exchange for sex
  • Withholding security, food, shelter, or financial support until sexual demands are met
  • Threatening violence against you, another family member, a friend, a stranger, a pet, or against themselves unless sexual demands are met

This is not a complete list of the actions and/or behaviors that constitute sexual violence. This list is intended to help you understand that sexual violence among teens can take many forms.
Some forms of sexual violence are illegal, such as rape, incest, and engaging in sexual activity with persons who cannot give consent, like underage persons. Example: A person under the age of 13 cannot give consent to anyone in the state of Pennsylvania. See Our Consent Page for a more detailed explanation of the consent laws in Pennsylvania.

Other forms of sexual violence are not illegal, such as sexist remarks, sexually violent jokes, street harassment, and catcalling – but just because they are not illegal, doesn’t make them any less threatening or harmful.

There are a lot of negative messages about sex and sexuality in our society. These messages can be extremely confusing for teens. By educating teens about what sexual violence is, and the many forms it can take, you can help clear away the opportunity for confusion to set in. You can also help prevent sexual violence from happening by educating everyone about the many forms sexual violence takes, and the impacts sexual violence has on other people and the community. Young people deserve to feel safe and respected at home, in public, at work, and school.

How You Can Help

Parents should start prevention efforts early by developing positive family dynamics and promoting healthy, respectful relationships in their homes. This creates a supportive environment for children which influences them to adopt positive interactions based on respect and trust. In addition, they will be more likely to communicate effectively without violence during conflicts with peers or dating partners.

It is also important to address the existing beliefs, attitudes, and messages that condone sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence, but it is also important to begin working on the social structures, ideas, beliefs, socio-economics, and oppressive structures that are at the root of the problem.

Host a Workshop or Training

One thing you can do to help prevent sexual violence against teens is to have WOAR teach a seminar at your school or educational institution. We offer education for all educational institutions. Contact Us today to discuss hosting a seminar at your educational institution today:

Contact Us To Host A Workshop or Training

Help is available

If you or anyone you know has been a victim or sexual violence or is a survivor of sexual violence and would like support, WOAR is here for you. Please contact WOAR at 215-985-3333.