WOAR was selected as one of six organizations to be part of Women’s Way inaugural Action Partners initiative.

After years of discussion, a law was finally signed by the Governor allowing prosecutors in Pennsylvania courtrooms to call on expert witnesses for factual testimony about the behaviors of sexual assault victims. An expert can include a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, social worker, rape crisis center advocate or medical doctor who has experience working with victims of sexual assault. WOAR’s Director of Counseling was asked by State Representative Cherelle Parker to speak in support of this bill at two House and Senate Judiciary Committee hearings in Philadelphia and in Harrisburg.

WOAR’s Community Outreach Director was recognized by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as a Community Health Leader for overcoming daunting odds to improve health and health care in disadvantaged and underserved migrant communities in Philadelphia.

WOAR hosted an Open House welcoming back WOAR Alum – early participants in the movement to end sexual violence and establish WOAR. The event reunited WOAR Alum with friends, colleagues and local City and State representatives.