Welcome Dr. Indira Henard, DSW, MSW

Dear friends of WOAR Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence,

This is Joanne Strauss, WOAR’s Board President. I write to you today with some important information regarding WOAR’s leadership moving forward.

As I communicated earlier this year, WOAR has been in the process of searching for its next Executive Director. This search has yet to come to its conclusion and continues.

Michael Kellerman has been serving as Interim Executive Director since December 2022. Michael recently let the Board and staff know that due to some professional and personal developments, he would need to step away from his role in July.

We are grateful to Michael for his leadership of WOAR during this time, and since learning of his intentions, we have been working together with Michael on a plan for the near future. That plan has come into focus, and we wanted to share it with you.

Dr Indira Henard DSW MSW

Effective July 1, WOAR has engaged Dr. Indira Henard, DSW, MSW, as Executive Consultant to assume the duties associated with the Executive Director of WOAR. Some of you may have encountered Indira at last year’s 50th Anniversary Symposium, at which Indira spoke. Indira is the Executive Director of the DC Rape Crisis Center, where she has been for 16 years, 8 years as Executive Director. You can read more about Indira’s impressive career here. We are excited that Indira is able to step in and lead WOAR.

Indira and Michael know each other from their respective roles, and Michael will be partnering with Indira to make a smooth transition of leadership leading up to July 1, and as an advisor to Indira after that time.

Thank you for your support of WOAR and your steadfast dedication to our mission to end sexual violence in our communities.


Joanne Strauss

President, Board of Directors